
Church History to the Reformation

This course will survey the development of the Christian Church from the Early Church to the later Middle Ages. Emphasis will be placed upon significant ideas, individuals, movements, and theological issues of the period. Attention will be given to important primary documents and authoritative interpretive studies. Lectures, reading, and discussion will constitute the main substance of the course.


Church History from the Reformation

This course will survey the development of the Christian Church from the Early Church to the later Middle Ages. Emphasis will be placed upon significant ideas, individuals, movements, and theological issues of the period. Attention will be given to important primary documents and authoritative interpretive studies. Lectures, reading, and discussion will constitute the main substance of the course.


Sermons of Jonathan Edwards
Fifteen of Jonathan Edwards’ sermons that reflect a life dedicated to experiencing and understanding spiritual truth will be covered in this class. They have been chosen to represent a typical cycle of Edwards’ preaching, addressing a wide range of occasions, situations, and states, corporate as well as personal. You will come away from this class with a rounded picture of Edwards the preacher, the sermon writer, and the pastoral theologian.
Revivals and Revivalists
This course will survey the Holy Spirit’s movement upon the church in the 19th and 20th centuries. It will examine American revivals from the beginning to the present time and investigate the strange and unique phenomena that accompanied each revival. Learn how people such as Charles Finney, William Seymour, Oral Roberts, Katherine Kuhlman, Rodney Howard-Browne and others have shaped the church in America.
Introduction to New Testament Greek
This course will introduce the student to the basics of New Testament greek grammar as well as the history of the greek text.  Special attention will be paid to the greek alphabet, noun and verb paradigms, and the transmission of manuscripts.
History of the Bible
This course will cover the writing of, acceptance of, and transmission of the scriptures in history.  Special attention will be paid to questions of canon and authority, the apocrypha, publishing methods, translation, the manuscript tradition, and prominent editions