Standard of Conduct
A student whose personal conduct is a poor testimony for Christ, and who fails to live in accordance with the scriptural ideals of the College, will be spiritually counseled and will be disciplined to such extent as the Dean of Students deems advisable. The College reserves the right to refuse admission, to put on disciplinary probation, or to dismiss any student whose personal conduct and/or attitude, in the judgment of the administration, are not consistent with the Christian spirit and standards which the College seeks to maintain.
By way of example: academic dishonesty, such as giving unauthorized aid on an examination or plagiarism (the intentional or unintentional presentation of another’s work as your own) are not acceptable behaviors and will not be tolerated. Both are subject to immediate dismissal.
Personal Habits
Students are expected to abstain from the use of any tobacco, alcoholic beverages and illicit drugs, both on and off campus. They will also maintain behavior above reproach in all relationships, avoiding appearances of evil. Students not maintaining these standards will be dismissed from the College.
Attendance, Absentee, & Tardy Policies
Bethesda College is committed to the policy that regular and punctual attendance is essential to successful scholastic achievement. Attendance at all classes for which a student is registered is expected. In order to be excuses from class, a student must have a legitimate reason, such as a serious illness or a serious personal conflict that requires the immediate attention of the student. After one absence, a student will lose a letter credit for each unexcused absence.
Students are expected to be in class at the appointed time. Any student who is tardy three times will receive one unexcused absence. Three of these unexcused absences will be considered unsatisfactory academic performance and can be reason for termination without refund unless the class instructor has given prior consent.